Rabbit Calicivirus Vaccinations

Rabbit Vaccinations Blacktown

Rabbit Calicivirus - A deadly threat

Vetblacktown provides vaccinations for your rabbits against the deadly calicivirus disease. Periodical health checks and vaccinations are mandatory for the healthy living of your pet rabbit. Vaccinations for your rabbits ensures protection against all deadly diseases. Schedule a Consultation for vaccinating your rabbit.

Vaccination Protocol

Young rabbits

Initial course: 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks. Then every 6 months for life.

If 10 weeks or older: Now and 2-4 weeks later. Then every 6 months for life.

Adult rabbits

If vaccinations are up-to-date: At 6 months after the previous vaccination. Then every 6 months for life

If NOT vaccinated in the last 6 months: Now and 2-4 weeks later. Then every 6 months for life

Rabbit Calicivirus kills infected rabbits

There is no treatment, only prevention. Some council in the Sydney area deliberately release Rabbit Calicivirus to try to reduce the numbers of feral rabbits. This means that all rabbits are at risk, including pet rabbits. Vaccination is essential.

Dangerous new strain in NSW

Also, there is a dangerous new strain of Rabbit Calicivirus in some areas of NSW called RHDV2.
RHDV2 is more virulent than previous strains, and can cause death in younger rabbits (as young as four weeks of age), as well as in some vaccinated adult rabbits.

What is the best way to protect my rabbit?

Vaccination is essential to protect pet rabbits against all forms of Rabbit Calicivirus. The new vaccination protocol (above) has been developed to give rabbits the best protection possible. Vaccinations must be given when required, without any delays or gaps. If your rabbit has not been vaccinated in the last 6 months, vaccination is essential now.

Please make sure your pet rabbit is up-to-date with a Rabbit Calicivirus vaccination every 6 months, to ensure protection against this deadly disease.

Call us to book a health check for
your pet with one of our vets.

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